You might sometimes feel like you’re surrounded by negative energy. Whether it’s coming from a hostile work environment,a difficult sosial group or just the deluge of sad stories in the news,it can really bring us down.

Now only doesthis reduce your general quality of life,but it makes it hard to focus on manifesting something good in your life.

Whether you’re currently working to attract specific things or just looking to have a happier existence,here are few things to remember when you’re surroundedby negativity!

If you’re going to defend yourself against negativity,you need to understand where it’s coming from. Don’t just be paralysed by the bad experience you’re having. Identify the major source or sources… You’ll be able to think about how you can remove yourself from those sources.

The law of attractionis playing a role in whether you’re surrounded by negativity so,if you focus on the idea of a solution to negativity you tune into positive energy you can useto your advange. This way you are not attracting more negativity,resulting on an on-going cycle.

Regardless of what’s going on,there’s always somethingyou can do to make things better. Tune intothis power and potential inside yourself and avoid thinking of yourself as a helples victim.

Don’t deny negative emotions when you do feel them!! Acknowledge them,and find a way to let them out.Some people find exercise helps while creating art or writingin a journal works better for others. Experiment with healthy ways to externalise those negative feelings,making space for positivity.

Finally,when negativity feels really overwhelming and distressing,remember the old mantra.”The too shall pass”. Nothing is permanent,whether good or bad,and things will not be difficulty forever. Visualise the future you want to create ,and live in the knowing that it will arrive…

Aum Namah Shivaya…

Hara Hara Mahadeva…

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